The workforce determines the success or failure of a business. The recruitment process is only successful after the right people have been selected for the job. An error in judgment can make the interviewing panel to hire the wrong individual. Making a bad recruitment decision will end up being costly to the organization moneywise and will be a waste of time. HR Managers should ensure that they hire right the first time by following the three ways discussed below.
Proper Advertising of the Position
The recruitment process begins with advertising the job position. The Hr team should come up with a job description that will attract candidates who have the qualifications and skills to execute the position described excellently. The organization should be clear about what it wants; knowledge, skills, and abilities of the suitable candidate.
With this information, the HR Managers should select the most effective advertising tools, for instance social media and recruitment agencies that will reach as many potential candidates as possible. Reaching many potential candidates is the first step to recruiting the right person the first time because you will have numerous qualified individuals that you can select from. You will not be limited to only a few people who have heard about the position.
Interview at Least 3 Candidates for the Position
From the pool of the numerous job applicants, the recruitment team should sieve the individuals using the right criteria and come up with a shortlist of candidates who have met the selection criteria set. These individuals will then be invited to an interview. It is recommended that at least three potential candidates should be interviewed for the position.
Even if you feel that the first interviewee has what you are looking for, interview at least two more so that you have a greater selection choice that will assist you to choose the right individual the first time. You can interview the most preferred candidate in three different setups, for instance before a panel of interviewers, in a coffee shop, and in the work premises. This way, you will get to know the personality of the individual and find out if he is fit for the role.
Do a Background Check
Obviously, before inviting a candidate for an interview, you should go through their educational background as well as work experience provided in their CV. But that is not the end of evaluating the candidate. After interviewing a candidate and being convinced that he is fit for the job, you should do a background check of the individual to verify that the information given is correct.
HR Managers should ensure that before signing the employment contract, the referees of the candidate are contacted for more information about the candidate. After being 100% sure that the candidate has a clean background, the contract can be signed. The new employee should be taken through proper induction so that he can fit well in the organization.
HR managers should allocate enough time to find the right candidate for the position. The right advertising channels, as well as proper sieving of candidates and conducting a background check, are the key to hiring the right candidate the first time. Being in a hurry to fill a job vacancy results in bad hiring decisions that are costly to the organization, and in the end, you may have to repeat the recruitment procedure.
The success of Metropolitan Development Group, Inc. under the stewardship of Marty Stallone is attributed to proper staffing. When an organization employs the right workforce, work will go as planned and the organization will achieve its goals and objectives. With the right labor force, Marty Stallone has enabled the organization to acquire raw land which is ideal for commercial or residential development.